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Training Packages

We learn best when ideas are built upon one another. The curriculums can be used by school districts for individual training and in-service training. They focus on a particular subject matter, and present complementary ideas and concepts.

In addition to the videos, you will receive a CD-ROM with the PowerPoint presentations that go along with each video. These can be used to print handouts for training classes.

Package 1: Introduction to Assistive Technology - What is AT, and how can it be used in my environment?

This package includes the following 5 videos...

Considering the Need for Assistive Technology: What Does It Mean?
Presented By: Penny Reed, Ph.D., Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative

Process for Assistive Technology considerations required by special education related laws.

Playing Length: 25 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

The Assistive Technology Continuum
Presented By: Judith Sweeney, Onion Mountain Technology, Inc.

Judi Sweeney provides a practical process for the selection of assistive technology tools which is founded on the principle of using a continuum of assistive technology tools beginning with low tech tools, then mid tech tools and lastly high tech tools to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of students with disabilities. Judith provides a practical process with concomitant forms to assist teams in operationalizing this process for the selection of assistive technology for their students.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 45 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

SETTing the Stage for Success with Assistive Technology
Presented By: Joy Zabala, M.Ed., ATP, National AT Consultant

Dr. Zabala presents her "SETT" process which is a guide for collaborative assistive technology decision making and service delivery in school settings. Zabala’s “SETT” process has been adopted by many states as the practical student-centered way to determine student assistive technology needs in an educational setting.

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Playing Length: 33 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Simple, Free and Already available Assistive Technology
Presented By: Tom Furlan, Assistive Technology Specialist-SEDOL

Mr. Furlan provides a user friendly review of free or low cost technology options. Tom Furlan demonstrates a variety of freeware and shareware available to support students with disabilities. Tom shows pc and mac platform software as well as low to high tech solutions. Tom reminds participants that technology is only a gift if it is matched with the student’s abilities and needs.

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Playing Length: 50 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

I’m Speechless: An Overview of Augmentative Communication
Presented By: Paula Walser, MS/CCC/SLP ATP, Wisconsin AT Initiative

Paula Walser presents an informative overview of communication strategies. She concisely reviews such approaches as “Every Move Counts” and “Environmental Communication” as well as reviewing six categories of augmentative communication supports.

Playing Length: 40 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

This package also includes the following training materials...

  • Powerpoint handouts for each video

Package 2: Teaching techniques with materials you probably already have

This package includes the following 5 videos...

Storybook Adaptations made Easy
Presented By: Beth Lepper, MS/CCC/SLP ATP Assistive Technology Specialist

Story books are a powerful medium for teaching. This presentation by Beth Lepper provides teachers a rich variety of strategies for adapting storybooks and making them accessible for all learners. Learn how to adapt storybooks for children with moderate to severe physical and cognitive disabilities. Considerations for book selection always begin with type of text, pictures, readability, and stabilization of materials. These and other ideas for modification will be provided including the use of digital cameras, scanners, Boardmaker, Picture It and Intellikeys activities.

Playing Length: 35 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Adaptations for General Education Classroom
Presented By: Therese F. Hogan, Ed.D., Dominican University

Dr. Hogan provides a practical introduction to making academic modifications in the general education classroom. In her presentation, she provides wonderful guides for decision making when creating adaptations for students with learning disabilities and other high incidence areas of service.

Playing Length: 40 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Adaptations for Students with Learning Disabilities: A Beginning Look...
Presented By: Therese F. Hogan, Ed.D., Dominican University

Dr. Therese Hogan, well known for developing practical and creative approaches to meeting the needs of students with learning disabilities, presents compelling strategies to help your students experience success in the classroom.

Playing Length: 53 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Enhanced Student Learning with Microsoft Word
Presented By: Lynda Hartman, M.A. Special Education, Assistive Technology Consultant

Lynda Hartman provides practical information on modifications that teachers can make using their existing Microsoft Word software to support student learning. Modification features are presented, grouped by topic areas. This program covers the areas of written language: organization, developing and expanding skills, and productivity. The viewer also becomes aware of modifications to support reading and to assist students with visual and physical issues. Suggestions on how to begin making these modifications will be presented.

Playing Length: 54 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Powerpoint: Pushing it to the Limit
Presented By: Scott Marfilius, National Assistive Technology Consultant

Scott Marfilius presents the power of Microsoft PowerPoint and demonstrates that this versatile software application isn’t just for presentations. Scott provides practical examples of how PowerPoint can be used in the classroom to create projects like adapted books and mock-ups of dynamic-display communication devices. He provides step-by-step instruction in how to utilize the features of PowerPoint that will allow a user to participate in an interactive, multimedia experience.

Playing Length: 45 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

This package also includes the following training materials...

  • Powerpoint handouts for each video

Package 3: Strategies for Students with Mild Disabilities

This package includes the following 5 videos...

Introduction to Processing
Presented By: Gail Richard, Ph.D, Eastern Illinois University

Dr. Gail Richard reviews the background of processing disorders and the impact of processing on learning. She discusses typical problems resulting from processing problems. Dr. Richard then addresses language and auditory processing models and the continuum of processing within the context of functional organization of the brain.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 37 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Strategies to Address Processing Disorders
Presented By: Gail Richard, Ph.D, Eastern Illinois University

Dr. Gail Richard provides strategies for teachers and students in this presentation about processing disorders. Her focus is neurological, rather than behavioral and emphasizes using multiple modalities to stimulate the brain. She encourages teachers to examine behavior that will reveal what is happening in the brain. By using simple strategies, we can analyze and provide remediation for students who have processing difficulties.

Playing Length: 45 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Adaptations for General Education Classroom
Presented By: Therese F. Hogan, Ed.D., Dominican University

Dr. Hogan provides a practical introduction to making academic modifications in the general education classroom. In her presentation, she provides wonderful guides for decision making when creating adaptations for students with learning disabilities and other high incidence areas of service.

Playing Length: 40 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Indispensable Tips, Tricks and Tools for Writing
Presented By: Scott Marfilius, National Assistive Technology Consultant

Scott Marfilius, national consultant, provides an overview of practical low to high technology supports that can assist students facing writing challenges. The programs consider technology strategies to support these areas of writing: writing mechanics, language expression and message construction.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 65 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Brain-Based Learning
Presented By: Marilee Sprenger, Consultant, Two Rivers Professional Development Center

Marilee Sprenger’s exciting presentation entitled, “Brain-based Learning,” overviews current brain research and its application in the classroom. The presentation includes information about what a brain-compatible classroom should include.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 45 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

This package also includes the following training materials...

  • Powerpoint handouts for each video

Package 4: Behavioral Strategies

This package includes the following 6 videos...

Choice Making
Presented By: Richard Brown, M.S. Assistive Technology Specialist, UCP Chicago / INFINITEC

This is a must see presentation for parents, educators, para-professional, and individuals with disabilities. Richard Brown presents a fun while you learn approach to the topic of teaching choice making. He walks the audience through very complex issues in a practical manner. This is a great way to get a conversation started in your agency.

Playing Length: 54 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Student Behavior: the Basics
Presented By: Richard Brown, M.S. Assistive Technology Specialist, UCP Chicago / INFINITEC

Richard Brown presents an introduction to behavioral strategies. He stresses the importance of understanding the messages that are being communicated through an individual’s behavior. Then he provides an overview of frequently used behavioral strategies.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 50 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Individual Visual Schedules: A “Low Tech” Strategy for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Presented By: Susan Stokes, M.A. CCC-SLP, Educational Autism Consultant

Susan Stokes provides a comprehensive overview of the development of an individualized visual schedule for students with autism spectrum disorder. During her presentation she addresses the rationale for the use of visual schedules, visual representation systems hierarchy and strategies for schedule design decisions. Susan specifically provides practical ideas for the implementation of visual prompts and visual schedules for dealing with daily transitions, task completions, and schedule changes. Throughout the presentation Susan provides a wide variety of “real life” visual schedules. Viewers will leave this hour presentation with a practical understanding of how to design, create and use schedules.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 60 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Introduction to Processing
Presented By: Gail Richard, Ph.D, Eastern Illinois University

Dr. Gail Richard reviews the background of processing disorders and the impact of processing on learning. She discusses typical problems resulting from processing problems. Dr. Richard then addresses language and auditory processing models and the continuum of processing within the context of functional organization of the brain.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 37 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Strategies to Address Processing Disorders
Presented By: Gail Richard, Ph.D, Eastern Illinois University

Dr. Gail Richard provides strategies for teachers and students in this presentation about processing disorders. Her focus is neurological, rather than behavioral and emphasizes using multiple modalities to stimulate the brain. She encourages teachers to examine behavior that will reveal what is happening in the brain. By using simple strategies, we can analyze and provide remediation for students who have processing difficulties.

Playing Length: 45 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Brain-Based Learning
Presented By: Marilee Sprenger, Consultant, Two Rivers Professional Development Center

Marilee Sprenger’s exciting presentation entitled, “Brain-based Learning,” overviews current brain research and its application in the classroom. The presentation includes information about what a brain-compatible classroom should include.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 45 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

This package also includes the following training materials...

  • Powerpoint handouts for each video

Package 5: Special Education Teachers: Help for More Moderate to Severe Disabilities

This package includes the following 5 videos...

The Future is not What It Used to Be
Presented By: Dr. Karen Pape

Dr. Karen Pape, an internationally recognized expert in innovative therapies for children with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities, presents a powerful and hopeful message that should be viewed by both professionals and parents alike.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 42 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Individual Visual Schedules: A “Low Tech” Strategy for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Presented By: Susan Stokes, M.A. CCC-SLP, Educational Autism Consultant

Susan Stokes provides a comprehensive overview of the development of an individualized visual schedule for students with autism spectrum disorder. During her presentation she addresses the rationale for the use of visual schedules, visual representation systems hierarchy and strategies for schedule design decisions. Susan specifically provides practical ideas for the implementation of visual prompts and visual schedules for dealing with daily transitions, task completions, and schedule changes. Throughout the presentation Susan provides a wide variety of “real life” visual schedules. Viewers will leave this hour presentation with a practical understanding of how to design, create and use schedules.

Playing Length: 60 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Look Who’s Talking
Presented By: Aimee Schopen, M.Ed, Educator, UCP Chicago

Aimee Schopen presents a "user friendly" introduction for developing alternative communication supports. The program provides the rationale as well as step by step guidance for designing and effectively utilizing communication boards in natural environments. She offers strategies to embed communicative opportunities throughout the day by engineering environment.

Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

Playing Length: 75 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

Considering the Need for Assistive Technology: What Does It Mean?
Presented By: Penny Reed, Ph.D., Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative

Process for Assistive Technology considerations required by special education related laws.

Playing Length: 25 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

I’m Speechless: An Overview of Augmentative Communication
Presented By: Paula Walser, MS/CCC/SLP ATP, Wisconsin AT Initiative

Paula Walser presents an informative overview of communication strategies. She concisely reviews such approaches as “Every Move Counts” and “Environmental Communication” as well as reviewing six categories of augmentative communication supports.

Playing Length: 40 minutes

Format(s): VHS Logo

This package also includes the following training materials...

  • Powerpoint handouts for each video
  • Package 6: Software Program Training

    This package includes the following 5 videos...

    Beginning Literacy with Accessible IntelliTools Software
    Presented By: Arjan Khalsa, CEO IntelliTools

    Arjan Khalsa reviews Intellitools supplemental reading and writing programs which are not only research based and designed for universal access but also enjoyable and motivating for all primary age students. Specifically this presentation provides the viewer with an overview of IntelliTools software programs: Reading: Balanced Literacy; Ready Made Primary Writing; and Ready Made Primary Literacy.

    Playing Length: 40 minutes

    Format(s): VHS Logo

    Learning Math Concepts with Accessible Intellitools Software
    Presented By: Arjan Khalsa, CEO IntelliTools

    Arjan Khalsa provides an overview of math instructional software for students with disabilities using Intellitools programs: IntelliMathics, ReadyMade Fractions, Number Concepts, MathPad Plus, and Early Math. The presentation clearly demonstrates how each of these programs utilize virtual math manipulatives to assist and motivate students with disabilities in learning number concepts, computation, patterns, fractions, geometry and probability.

    Preview: Real Video Preview | Quicktime Preview

    Playing Length: 66 minutes

    Format(s): VHS Logo

    Getting Started with Alphasmart 3000 and Co-Writer Applet
    Presented By: Kelly Fonner, National AT Consultant and Bob Keller, Don Johnston Educational Consultant

    Kelly Fonner and Bob Keller provide an introduction to Alphasmart 3000, a popular portable word processor. Writing strategies and modifications for students with disabilities are presented for use with the Alphasmart. The presentation also reviews software applications, called applets, that can enhance the Alphasmart 3000’s word processing functions. Co:Writer applet, which is a word prediction program, is specifically reviewed.

    Playing Length: 44 minutes

    Format(s): VHS Logo

    Integrating Reading & Writing with Technology
    Presented By: Bob Keller, Educational Consultant with Don Johnston

    Participants will learn that literacy instruction requires self-selected reading, reading comprehension, word study and writing. They will receive an overview of software using text-to-speech technology to provide modeling of language. Three software programs (Write: Outloud, Co: Writer and Draft Builder) focused on remediating reading and writing challenges are demonstrated.

    Playing Length: 53 minutes

    Format(s): VHS Logo

    Crick Software: Clicker 4
    Presented By: Valerie Laird, President and CEO of Crick Software

    Clicker 4 is a versatile new tool that combines the benefits of a talking word processor with a powerful multimedia authoring tool. Valerie Laird, President and CEO of Crick Software, demonstrates how letters, words, phrases, graphics, audio, and video can be used to create motivating activities for students, quickly and easily. Clicker 4 can be used to create activities in almost every content area, including reading, writing, science, and math.

    Playing Length: 35 minutes

    Format(s): VHS Logo

    This package also includes the following training materials...

    • Powerpoint handouts for each video

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    Copyright 2006, Infinitec Media Production Services